Welcome to the new Tecmo website

The design of the new Tecmo.it site starts from the use of new generation graphics in a wide, responsive format, and from the overall review of the previous navigation logic in a more modern one. A redefined and simplified menu together with a pertinent allocation of content will allow visitors to find all the information they need in a short time with a significant improvement in the overall user experience of the site.

Still with regard to the contents, with particular regard to the more technical ones, they have been redesigned from scratch in order to facilitate learning. The allocation of the products in the various parts, the subdivision of the navigation sub-menus, now fully reflect the Tecmo commercial perspective.

A call is inserted on the main pages starting from the home so as to speed up the user’s interaction with the Pianoro company.

Given the company’s need to strengthen the communication part at an outbound level towards the market, the newsletter service will soon be activated which will allow those who register and institutional customers to receive the latest Tecmo news on a monthly basis directly in their mailbox. Every month, technical articles on the product and/or regarding the events / news in which Tecmo will take part will be prepared and published on the blog.

The new Tecmo digital home, with particular attention to design and multimedia, will be set up in two languages, English and Italian, thus allowing the Emilia-based company to further strengthen its worldwide presence also digitally.